Wellbeing Economy Resources

Gareth Hughes Gareth Hughes

Submission on the Regulatory Standards Bill

WEAll Aotearoa strongly opposes the Regulatory Standards Bill. The Bill is fundamentally flawed and, if enacted, it would have profoundly negative implications for our country, the wellbeing of New Zealanders, and our environment.

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Participatory approaches Gareth Hughes Participatory approaches Gareth Hughes

Webinar: Transformational Participation: Leadership, Governance and Philanthropy as tangata whenua (Māori) and tangata tiriti (non-Māori)

WEAll Aotearoa hosted three local and international thought leaders on transformational participation. This webinar presented ideas and case studies on approaches spanning leadership, governance and philanthropy to drive participatory economics forward including sociocracy, equitable access to funding and indigenous frameworks from Te Ao Māori.

Our three guests were Maria Ngawati, IndigiShare (Aotearoa New Zealand), Alanna Irving, Gift Collective, Fundsorter, and Wellbeing Protocol (Aotearoa New Zealand) and Ted Rau, Sociocracy for All (US).

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Beyond Growth Gareth Hughes Beyond Growth Gareth Hughes

Webinar: People, Planet & Plastics -waste and resources in a redesigned economic system

How can we redesign our current take-make-waste linear economy that is consuming the earth’s finite resources while breaching planetary boundaries? This webinar explores systemic solutions from Circular and Doughnut Economics to te ao Māori approaches that seek to reshape our economy to serve people and planet and not the other way around.

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