Our Team

  • Gareth Hughes


    As well as WEAll Aotearoa Director, Gareth is an author, political commentator and serves in governance roles. Gareth served as a Green Member of Parliament for a decade where he chaired the Social Service and Community Select Committee was the Green Party’s whip and strategist. Prior to Parliament he was a climate campaigner at Greenpeace.

  • Sally Hett

    Knowledge and Engagement Lead

    Sally has worked primarily in social policy research since university. She has led research activity at the McGuinness Institute, been an advisor to the Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry, run GovTech initiatives at Creative HQ. Her previous role was working on Māori Data Sovereignty kaupapa at Nicholson Consulting.

Our Trustees

  • Justin Connolly - Chair

    Justin is the Director of Deliberate, a consultancy specialising in the use of qualitative research and systems thinking to help understand complexity.

  • Paul Dalziel - Secretary

    Paul is Professor of Economics in the AERU research unit at Lincoln University, where his research focuses on sustainable wellbeing. He is lead author of ‘Wellbeing Economics: The Capabilities Approach to Prosperity’, an open access book published in 2018.

  • Qiulae Wong-Anthony - Treasurer

    Qiulae is an expert in purpose-led enterprise and the role businesses play in driving positive outcomes for people and the planet. She was previously the Aotearoa NZ Director of the B Corp movement, and now works in impact measurement at KPMG.

  • Joanne Waitoa

    Joanne (Ngāti Porou) is a senior advisor in government focused on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and environmental policy. She has a background in research and her publications traverse indigenous social media activism, Māori politics, and diverse economies.

  • Michael Worth

    Michael is a partner at Grant Thornton leading the sustainability and impact team.

  • Donna Purdue

    Donna has formerly been Chief Economist at the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment and Kiwibank and Principal Advisor at the New Zealand Treasury.

  • Brett Anderson

    Brett (Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Hāua, Ngāti Maru, Ngāpuhi) is a trustee and treasurer for Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust and works for Ngā Tangata Tiaki, the Whanganui River post-settlement governance entity.

Contact us

Please get in touch, email us at newzealand@weall.org.