Everyday actions for a Wellbeing Economy
Write submissions, write letters to your local councillors and MPs, attend community board meetings, join a Political Party, support an election campaign.
Lots of work is already underway to transform the economy.
Support the Living Wage Movement
Sign petitions and contribute to campaigns with ActionStation
A Wellbeing Economy is grounded in place and in Aotearoa we look to Te Ao Māori to help all people in Aotearoa create good lives in a flourishing natural world.
Review where you spend your money, who you bank with.
Review your water, waste, resource consumption. Where does your water, food come from?
Reflect on your own wellbeing, pace of life, community connections.
Climate Club has some great resources.
The Low Carbon Lifestyle Wheel is a great tool.
Talk with your friends and family about the issues that are important to you, and what you can collectively do.
The Workshop has guides, like this Climate Change talking cheat sheet, to support these harder conversations.
Learn and adopt nonviolent communication practices
Businesses can help solve many of the challenges we're facing today by caring for people and planet.
Explore B Corp or Future-fit certifications
Commit to a social or environmental purpose
Become a social enterprise
Work with other purpose-led businesses