Submission on the Regulatory Standards Bill
Please read our submission here.
WEAll Aotearoa strongly opposes the Regulatory Standards Bill. The Bill is fundamentally flawed and, if enacted, it would have profoundly negative implications for our country, the wellbeing of New Zealanders, and our environment. We note that previous versions of this Bill have consistently been rejected by our country’s decision-makers. This version is no different.
In particular, we highlight:
The Bill proposes a narrow set of principles which inappropriately constrain the ability of the government to develop regulations that help achieve positive social and environmental outcomes for the public good.
The Bill includes a narrow set of principles which privilege the rights and profits of corporations over the collective interests of New Zealanders and our environment. WEAll Aotearoa recognises the compelling evidence that all economic activity and development depends entirely on a healthy and thriving natural environment and society.
The Bill is silent on te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The Bill does not include other principles relevant to good lawmaking such as protecting the interests of future generations.
The Regulatory Standards Board could be captured by narrow interest groups at the expense of collective interests.