Join us in Pōneke Wellington to discuss redesigning our economy to deliver wellbeing for nature and all our people.

If you’d like to build relationships and share ideas with people inspired to redesign the economy to one that puts our human and planetary needs at the centre, this one-day hui is for you.

Building off the success of our sold-out 2023 conference…

The theme is: The economy was designed, it can be redesigned.

The day will include:

International keynote, Dr Katherine Trebeck

Thought leaders discussing big ideas for 2040

Practitioners sharing the new economy in action

Interactive training and breakout sessions

Choose a training session.

How to build an economy for public good? Join experts for a range of interactive training sessions where they will share practical tools and skills you can apply to your work and life.

  • The power of organising - Te Ohu Whanaungatanga

  • Narratives for a new economy - The Workshop

  • A model for systems change: The three horizons model - Tokona te Raki

  • Leadership tools for economic systems change - Shruthi Vijayakumar

Choose a co-created breakout sessions.

Join community-led workshops exploring the what and the how of a Wellbeing Economy.

  • Localism done well: The power of Community Wealth Building

  • Empowering citizen-led change: Deliberative and participatory approaches

  • Philanthropy for systems change

  • Purpose-led business for a new economy

  • Beyond GDP: Moving to a post growth economy

  • Modern Monetary Theory

  • The Economic possibilities of a Te Tiriti-led future

  • A vision and a pathway to a new economy: Policies for 2026.

This one-day event is for all of us wanting to redesign the economy so it serves society and our natural world – community leaders, policymakers, activists, economists, students and businesses doing good - all welcome.

Tickets for this in-person conference are only $100 incl GST and numbers are limited.

Dr Katherine Trebeck’s Ted Talk

Listen to founder of WEAll Global and renowned advocate for economic system change Dr Katherine Trebeck on her Ted Talk about Why the Future Economy has to be a Wellbeing Economy. We’re excited to have her speak at the conference!

  • Ngā mihi rawe atu! You curated a cup filling and soul nourishing event and I’m very grateful to have been able to join.

    Sacha McMeeking, Associate Professor University of Canterbury

  • Our team were inspired, our ideas were challenged, and we felt incredibly motivated to continue the work we do, especially knowing that there are so many others working towards this shared kaupapa.

    Hannah Slade, Be Lab, conference participant 2023

  • That was a fantastic conference with interesting speakers, and I have to say, extraordinary value for money

    David Watson, Auckland Council, conference participant 2023

Our Sponsors

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