Submission on the Treaty Principles Bill

Please read our submission here.

WEAll Aotearoa recommends three key points:

  • that the Select Committee report back to Parliament that this Bill should not proceed,

  • that Parliament create a series of events in 2025 to honour the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975, including celebrations of the quality of the work produced by the Waitangi Tribunal under that Act, and

  • that Parliament continue to reflect on how the Crown can best fulfil its obligations under Articles 2 and 3 of te Tiriti to ensure Māori citizens can collectively and individually exercise tino rangatiratanga and enjoy mana motuhake.

We are committed to recognising the views and expectations of tangata whenua, and to operating as a good Te Tiriti o Waitangi partner. Our submission gives practical expression to that commitment and honours the benefits that Tiriti relationships bring to our organisation.


Submission on the Regulatory Standards Bill


Economy for Public Good Keynote presentation - Dr Katherine Trebeck