Winter Pānui


Kia ora e te hāpori,

Our most exciting news to share since our last pānui is that WEAll has doubled its full time team! We welcome Sally Hett as our Knowledge and Engagement Lead.

Sally brings a wealth of expertise and passion and has contributed massively to our soon-to-be published Community Wealth Building report. We’ve achieved a lot in the last two years, imagine what we will achieve with two staff!

A key focus for Sally will be our upcoming Economy for Public Good conference in Pōneke Wellington, on 28 November. Save the date, more details to come soon. 

With Matariki coming up later this month, we hope you enjoy the time to celebrate Te Ao Māori, remember loved ones and reflect on the past year.

Ngā mihi

WEAll Aotearoa



Our Strategy 

We have an ambitious work plan. Our mission is to build a Te Tiriti-led, broad-based, people-powered movement to transform the economic system to a Wellbeing Economy.

We’re working on our three year project, What’s Next, which will outline a vision of a Wellbeing Economy for Aotearoa and the tools and policies to get there. To support this, our four priority areas are:

  1. Community Wealth Building: We’re collaborating on a new report, launching an awareness campaign, hosting workshops, and identifying regions to put this approach into practice.

  2. Wellbeing of Future Generations Act: We’re campaigning to follow Wales’ lead and drafting a bill to put future generations at the core of our government and public service decision making to enable intergenerational wellbeing.

  3. Participatory approaches: We’re working to shift power from big corporations and lobbyists to people through our economic listening tour, emerging partnerships and see below for details of our upcoming event with international expert John Gastil.

  4. Beyond growth: We’re challenging old myths like infinite growth and trickle-down economics and we are working on a video explaining the impact of Rogernomics/Neoliberalism for the fortieth anniversary in July.

Alongside this mahi, we will continue to prioritise our relationships with people and organisations, and running events and commenting in the media. Soon we will be launching our new website! 



Recent events and publications


Rivers of Change: Envisioning a Global Wellbeing Economy


An Intergenerational Lens on Budget ‘24