WEAll Aotearoa News

Government Qiulae Wong Government Qiulae Wong

An Intergenerational Lens on Budget ‘24

Budgets are big events, they dominate the media and public discussion for days. People pour over calculators and ask themselves what’s in it for me?

What if we stepped back and asked what’s in it for a child born today, someone who will attend high school in 2040 on the 200th anniversary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi? What if we took an intergenerational lens and applied that to the choices made in the 2024 Budget?

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Events Qiulae Wong Events Qiulae Wong

Future-fit Business Webinar

The Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa was privileged to host for this webinar visiting UK sustainability & impact investment specialist expert Martin Rich, who is in New Zealand to talk about the Future-Fit Foundation that has a vision of helping create a society which is environmentally restorative, socially just and economically inclusive.

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