Economy for Public Good Conference
Join us and 249 others who want to reshape our economy to deliver wellbeing for nature and all our people.
Hosted by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa, the Economy for Public Good Conference seeks to weave a shared purpose for moving beyond a broken ‘business as usual’ economy, bringing together those who want to reshape our economy to deliver wellbeing for nature and all our people.
If you’d like to build bonds and share ideas with people inspired to progress past GDP, and create an economy where people and nature thrive, this one-day, in-person hui is for you.
The programme will serve up opportunities to learn from te ao Māori approaches, harvest global doughnut, degrowth and circular thinking, celebrate local wellbeing and business success stories and learn practical skills.
Registrations are open now.
Thursday, 31 August 2023
Tickets $100
Held in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, at AUT, Numbers are limited for this in-person only event
This conference will be the first in New Zealand’s history focusing on redesigning our economic system to deliver for the public good. Highlighting the range of modern economic approaches from Māori, Wellbeing, Ecological, Circular, Doughnut and Degrowth Economics this one day event will be a must attend for change-makers, policy-makers, economists, businesses doing good and anyone who wants systemic change to address the most pressing challenges Aotearoa faces.
The Wellbeing Economy Alliance’s global Economics and Policy Lead Amanda Janoo will deliver the keynote presentation and comedian Michèle A’Court will act as the event MC. With a range of inspiring presentations by thought leaders, in-depth breakout sessions covering a range of diverse areas, and a political panel asking the tough systemic questions of politicians six weeks before the election, the Economy for Public Good will herald new thinking at this critical time.
To hear about new speakers, programme updates and other opportunities as they’re announced, you can follow the Economy for Public Good on LinkedIn and Twitter, or choose to get email updates.