Neoliberalism - leave it in the 80s video

Before 1984, it was normal that large families could be supported by a single income earner. Now, two-income households are struggling to get by.

Climate breakdown, crumbling infrastructure, obscene wealth gaps, and a generation locked out of home ownership are all symptoms of an out of date economic system.

We have launched a new video campaign reminding people that the system has a name, it's called Neoliberalism.

Thanks to ActionStation, Be Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, Greenpeace Aotearoa, The Public Service Association and Te Ohu Whakawhanaunga for supporting this video.

40 years ago in July, Rogernomics brought Neoliberalism to New Zealand and today, it isn’t delivering the basics like housing, food and opportunities for all.

The idea that wealth would trickle down has not created opportunities for large numbers of people while creating environmental damage that will limit the opportunities of future generations. This should be a concern across the political spectrum, even Former National Party Prime Minister Jim Bolger believes Neoliberalism has failed Aotearoa New Zealand.

We need to leave Neoliberalism in the 80s. Our economic system is a product of design and can be redesigned to put our human and planetary needs at the centre. There are alternatives. Work is happening to progress a Wellbeing Economy in Aotearoa.


Booklet: Useful resources to implement Community Wealth Building


Webinar: People, Planet & Plastics -waste and resources in a redesigned economic system