Happy Beyond GDP: Dr Katherine Trebeck webinar with WRLC

In this webinar, Dr Katherine Trebeck - cofounder of the global Wellbeing Economy Alliance - speaks to the Wellington Regional Leadership Council.

Dr Trebeck discusses what a wellbeing approach looks like in practice across different sectors and different levels of government, the implications for cities and districts, and she shares examples of wellbeing economy practices in action.

Can we redesign the economy so that it works for the public good and delivers wellbeing for people and nature the first time around, rather than patching up and repairing downstream? Around the world decision makers and citizens are moving beyond GDP as the measure of success and transforming how healthy economies are thought about.


Webinar with Sophie Howe – intergenerational stewardship for Aotearoa NZ


WEAll co-founder Katherine Trebeck’s speaking tour in Aotearoa NZ