WEAll Aotearoa News
Webinar: Transformational Participation: Leadership, Governance and Philanthropy as tangata whenua (Māori) and tangata tiriti (non-Māori)
WEAll Aotearoa hosted three local and international thought leaders on transformational participation. This webinar presented ideas and case studies on approaches spanning leadership, governance and philanthropy to drive participatory economics forward including sociocracy, equitable access to funding and indigenous frameworks from Te Ao Māori.
International approaches to a Wellbeing Economy Webinar
On Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of attending WEAll Aotearoa’s International Approaches to a Wellbeing Economy webinar. Attendees got to hear from four speakers who took part in overseas gatherings on issues relating to the Wellbeing Economy.
Future-fit Business Webinar
The Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa was privileged to host for this webinar visiting UK sustainability & impact investment specialist expert Martin Rich, who is in New Zealand to talk about the Future-Fit Foundation that has a vision of helping create a society which is environmentally restorative, socially just and economically inclusive.