Our Spring Pānui
Kia ora e te hāpori,
We hope you've seen a flurry of work from us, we've been busy this winter. New website, Neoliberalism - Leave it in the 80s video campaign launch, and all things Community Wealth Building with a report, webinar, breakfast event, resource booklet and blog posts.
We're not slowing down. In the build up to our Economy for Public Good conference (28 November, more on this below) we've got a stream of events and opportunities to contribute. Keep reading.
We are pleased to welcome two new Trustees to our Board, Donna Purdue, former Chief Economist, MBIE, and Brett Anderson, Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Hāua, Ngāti Maru, Ngāpuhi, working for Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust and Ngā Tangata Tiaki.
We hope to see you at Economy for Public Good!
Ngā mihi nunui,
WEAll Aotearoa team
Latest events
The power of localism, Councillor Breakfast
It was a privilege to host at Logan Brown, alongside The Urban Advisory, two dozen local government elected representatives and NZ First MP Andy Foster for a breakfast discussion on Community Wealth Building and reshaping our economic system to deliver wellbeing for people and the planet.
Read more about the discussion here. It was great to share our Community Wealth Building white paper and booklet of resources on the day.
Other winter events
We hosted a webinar on international approaches to a wellbeing economy to create a space for active WEAll supporters to share their learnings from recent overseas conferences and research tours with our wider Aotearoa network. The video recording and summary blog (thanks Sigrid Berge) is online here.
People, Planet & Plastics, Gareth presented at the WasteMINZ Sector Snapshots webinar on systemic solutions from Circular and Doughnut Economics to Te Ao Māori approaches that seek to reshape our economy to serve people and planet.
Position to Person, Sally spoke on a panel at Festival for the Future which explored the 'Human Stories Behind the Systems' and how to have conversations with people who hold different views to your own.
We co-hosted with Trust Democracy the internationally-acclaimed deliberative democracy expert John Gastil for a discussion on how participatory approaches and greater citizen voice in decision making can help see better outcomes.
We co-hosted Outgrow the System film screenings in Hamilton and Titirangi.
Local Government New Zealand hosted the launch webinar for the Community Wealth Building white paper.
Recent publications
We are still hearing people's enthusiasm for our Neoliberalism - Leave it in the 80s video made with the support from ActionStation, Be Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, Greenpeace Aotearoa, The Public Service Association and Te Ohu Whakawhanaunga.
With over 100,000 views, we're stoked with the response, but please continue to share with your friends and family when the need for economic reform inevitably comes up at the dinner table.
We were also pleased to see it in '40-year-long shadow cast by Rogernomics' by Max Harris in The Post. Our Trustee Jo Waitoa also wrote an opinion piece for the Spinoff on this kaupapa, Forty years after Rogernomics: Imagining an economy grounded in Māori values
To honor the kōrero Gareth heard around the country in workshops last year, we have published an Economics Listening Tour report, which highlights the need to shift from an individualist and competitive economy, to one that centers care, community and collective wellbeing.
We've had a range of articles prepared by active WEAll Aotearoa supporters;
Jennifer Wilkins wrote about her experience at the global Wellbeing Economy Alliance gathering,
Kinga Szalaba shared their summary of Community Wealth Building in practice, and
Finn Sherwell wrote an insightful piece, Paris is taking an Olympian leap in democratic innovation; but is the rest of France? It highlights their use of participatory budgeting and citizens assemblies.
Our Trustee Dalziel Paul wrote a piece for Newsroom The real coastline issue: Stop confiscating Māori property rights.
Importantly, we signed Action Stations's Treaty Principles Bill open letter calling for the government to stop the bill.
Our upcomming conference
Join us in Pōneke Wellington to discuss redesigning our economy to deliver wellbeing for nature and all our people.
At the Economy for Public Good Conference, we'll weave a shared purpose for moving beyond a broken 'business as usual' economy. If you'd like to build bonds and share ideas with people inspired to create an economy where people and nature thrive, this one day hui is for you.
The conference will feature Dr Katherine Trebeck as international keynote speaker, thought leaders discussing the big ideas for Aotearoa 2040, practitioners sharing stories of the new economy in action, and in-depth interactive training and breakout sessions.
Tickets for this in person conference are set at only $100 and numbers are limited.
Other upcoming events
People, Planet & Products: we're hosting a lunchtime webinar as part of the Repair Festival Aotearoa on the role of Repair in a reshaped economy on Monday16 September.
Wellbeing Economy Book Club: our second session will discuss The Economic Possibilities of Decolonisation on Tuesday 17 September.
People, Planet & Pies: we're at the University of Waikato for a lunchtime discussion exploring our economy through the lens of kai with Seed Waikato on Wednesday 18 September.
We've got an upcoming supporters' call on 29 October. Join us to find out how you can get more involved in our supporter-led projects.
Post-Growth Business: we're hosting a webinar 7pm Thursday 26 September with local and international thought leaders to discuss the role business can play in a degrowth transition, redesigning business towards a post-growth economy and post-growth entrepreneurship.
Check out some of these great articles, podcasts and projects:
Be sure to listen to this excellent Spinoff podcast - Juggernaut: the story of the fourth Labour government - hosted by Toby Manhire.
A global first, check out Te Ōhanga Wāhine Māori, The Māori Women's Economy, a report prepared by BERL for the Ministry for Women. It's the first comprehensive research exploration of indigenous women in this way globally, and shows how unpaid work exceeds the value of paid work.
The latest report from Rewiring Aotearoa, The Electrification Opportunity, shows how switching to low-cost, locally generated electricity could lead to combined savings of $29 million per day while also avoiding millions of tonnes of carbon emissions per year.
We're loving the Good Energy Podcast, where Loo Connor interviews incredible people to reveal the invisible economic forces that shape our lives and environment, and how energy is the real basis for the economy.
Follow our fellow WEAll hub in Australia on LinkedIn for events and news of their progress.
Join the upcoming events from the Stout Research Centre in their series Poverty, By Design.
Thank you for your support for WEAll Aotearoa.
We are a registered charity that relies on donations and philanthropic funding to continue our mahi. Please consider donating or get in touch with our Country Lead Gareth Hughes.
If you know of people or resources that would strengthen this movement, please do share with us.