The Power of Local Breakfast
What a privilege to host at Logan Brown, alongside The Urban Advisory, two dozen local government elected representatives and NZ First MP Andy Foster for a breakfast discussion on Community Wealth Building and reshaping our economic system to deliver wellbeing for people and the planet.
We heard from Cr Jennifer Nickel about the importance of these spaces like this to connect councillors across the country and how CWB can be encompassed in a Doughnut Economy framework.
Greer O'Donnellfrom The Urban Advisory spoke to the pillars of CWB and emphasised the potential for diversifying ownership and the role of community land trusts.
Greater Wellington Cr Yadana Saw reflected that collective ownership makes a lot of more sense to younger generations.
David Hanna from Wesley Community Action spoke about their application of CWB in Porirua and how micro initiatives are the genesis of macro systems change.
Different councillors and Wellington Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon spoke about social procurement, active partnerships, being a Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand organisation, public infrastructure ownership, community transport, and discussed the need for mindset shifts within their institutions.
Kapiti District Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby talked about how they are using the doughnut economy as a framework for their strategic planning.
At WEAll Aotearoa, we look forward to hosting more of these connecting sessions for people doing the do. If you’re keen to get involved, reach out.
WEAll Aotearoa Director Gareth Hughes reminded us CWB is practical, common sense and already happening here. He describes it as localism done well.
If you want to read our report, see here.
A massive thanks to Stephen Logan and the team for opening especially for us in their beautiful space at Logan Brown.